What are pre-loved clothes?

What are pre-loved clothes?

It’s strange that now in 2018 if you tell people you either buy or sell pre-loved clothes you can be hit with a range of different reactions.
I’ve been buying and selling pre-loved clothes for many years now and meeting and talking to a range of people including friends and family.
I hear such strange stories – ones that I wouldn’t expect to hear these days.
One popular phrase you hear a lot amongst a lot of families are “No Granddaughter / Grandson of mine will be put in second hand clothes!”

Years ago families only got by on “hand-me-down” clothes. Then as years passed by – new clothes became more affordable and noses started to be turned up at the mere thought of their children in “hand-me-down” / second hand clothes.

However times have changed again and this is my little take on second hand clothes;
The term ‘pre-loved’ (love that word). For all the haters of second hand clothes out there – the word pre-loved sounds so much better.
When some people think ‘second hand’ they think – used, dirty, broken. They don’t think; looked after, cared for and loved. I think the term pre-loved in itself refers to something much nicer J

So why do we buy pre-loved clothes?
Well I will tell you why we do and I hope some of you can relate to it.

Of course one of the reasons is cost, there are some gorgeous designer clothes which I would love my children to wear, but I could never justify spending X amount of money on some items of clothing. Pre-loved clothes gives you the opportunity to buy the same gorgeous clothes you wanted at an absolute fraction of the price. These designer clothes are often so well looked after in the first place, that you will most probably receive them in a great condition too.
Also all families are on a budget of some sort – why not buy 6-7 pre-loved items for £20 rather than spend the same amount on 1-3 new items. It just makes sense to me – that money saved can go towards something else for your family!

Secondly – Fashions change – Fashions change so often, even in the baby world too, but what if you loved last years fashion? The shops no longer stock it, but I am sure you will find someone selling it in the pre-loved market.
I know of friends and family (myself included) who have found so many wonderful items of clothing that you just couldn’t pick up in high street stores and these little treasures are often found in the pre-loved market. #babyfashion

Thirdly – what a great way to recycle. I was so shocked to find out that 235 Million items of clothes ended up on landfill last year!
Unfortunately we do live in a throwaway society (although lots of people and businesses are starting to change this) but thousands of people each day just throw perfectly suitable clothes into the bin. If we can all do your little part then hopefully these numbers will decline. #recycle #reuse #reduce


  • I hope that the views on second-hand clothes change for the good. I understand that the older generation can feel too “proud” to have their grandchildren in “second-hand” clothes, but like everything times have changed and it’s not just about self-worth any more, it’s not something to be embarrassed about. Embrace it – show off your pre-loved clothes at great prices! Most people will be impressed and happy for you!

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